
Get The Starter Code

If you'd like to start from scratch without any files, you are encouraged to do so! You learn the most by developing on your own! But, it can be a bit challenging having to start from scratch, so we do provide a starter project to use.

You can download the starter code through either:

This starter code has a static, non-interactive version of the project so you can get a jump on the developing.

Project Rubric

Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity code reviewer according to theMemory Game project rubric.

Version Control

We recommend using Git from the very beginning. Make sure to commit often and to use well-formatted commit messages that conform to ourGit Style Guide.

Development Strategy

It's very important that you plan your project before you start writing any code. Break your project down into_small_pieces of work and plan out your approach to each one. It's much easier to debug and fix an issue if you've only made a small change. It becomes much harder if you wait longer to test your code. You don't build a house all at once, but brick by brick.

  • Start by building a very simple grid of cards.
    • Don't worry about styling, just get something clickable on the page.
    • Figure out the HTML needed to represent a card. Remember, you have to represent two sides of the card. Are you going to have two separate elements stacked on top of each other?
  • Add the functionality to handle clicks.
    • This should reveal the hidden side of each card.
  • Work on the matching logic. How does your game "know" if a player guesses correctly or incorrectly?
  • Work on the winning condition. How does your game “know” if a player has won?
  • We recommend saving styling until the very end. Allow your game logic and functionality to dictate the styling.

Udacity Style Guides

You should write your code and markup to meet the specifications provided in these style guides:

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