First-Class Functions


Functions are First-Class Functions

In JavaScript, functions are _first-class _functions. This means that you can do with a _function _just about anything that you can do with other elements, such as numbers, strings, objects, arrays, etc. JavaScript functions can:

  1. Be stored in variables
  2. Be returned from a function.
  3. Be passed as arguments into another function.

Note that while we can, say, treat a function as an object, a key difference between a function and an object is that functions can be called (i.e., invoked with()), while regular objects cannot.


Here's the code from the preceding video.


How are JavaScript functions_first-class_functions? Select all that apply:

  • A function can be returned from another function

  • A function can be stored in a variable

  • A function is actually a primitive

  • A function can be passed in as an argument into another function

SUBMIT: In many ways, a function in JavaScript can be treated as a value. Returning it from a function, storing it in a variable, and even passing it in as an argument into another function is perfectly allowed!

Functions Can Return Functions

Recall that a function must always return a value. Whether the value is explicitly specified in areturnstatement (e.g., returning a string, boolean, array, etc.), or the function implicitly returnsundefined(e.g., a function that simply logs something to the console), a function will always return just _one _value.

Since we know that functions are first-class functions, we can treat a _function _as a value and just as easily return a _function _from another function! A function that returns another function is known as higher-order function. Consider this example:

function alertThenReturn() {
  alert('Message 1!');

  return function () {
    alert('Message 2!');

If alertThenReturn() is invoked in a browser, we'll first see an alert message that says'Message 1!', followed by thealertThenReturn()function returning an anonymous function. However, we don't actually see an alert that says'Message 2!', since none of the code from the inner function is executed. How do we go about executing the returned function?

Since alertThenReturn() _returns _that inner function, we can assign a variable to that return value:

const innerFunction = alertThenReturn();

We can then use theinnerFunctionvariable like any other function!


// alerts 'Message 2!'

Likewise, this function can be invoked immediately without being stored in a variable. We'll still get the same outcome if we simply add another set of parentheses to the expressionalertThenReturn();:


// alerts 'Message 1!' then alerts 'Message 2!'

Notice the double set of parentheses (i.e.()()) in that function call! The first pair of parentheses executes the alertThenReturn() function. The return value of this invocation is a function, which then gets invoked by the _second _pair of parentheses!

Let's see another example in action!


Here's the code from the preceding video.

Declare a function named `higherOrderFunction` that takes no arguments,
and returns an anonymous function.
The returned function itself takes no arguments as well, and simply
returns the number 8.

const higherOrderFunction = function() {
    return function() {
        return 8;


In the JavaScript language, functions arefirst-class functions. This means that we can do with functions just about everything that we can do with other elements in JavaScript, such as strings, arrays, or numbers. JavaScript functions can:

  1. Be stored in variables
  2. Be returned from a function.
  3. Be passed as arguments into another function.

We've seen quite a few examples of the first two in the list, but what about passing a_function_as an argument into another function? Since this is such an important and common pattern in JavaScript, let's take a deep dive into it the next section!

Further Research

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