Constructor Functions


Previously, we have created objects using the object literal notation. Likewise, we can even write functions that _return _objects. There is yet another way for us to create objects, and it is the foundation of object-oriented JavaScript: the constructor function. We saw a bit of it back in Lesson 1 when invoking theObject()constructor function. Now, let's take a deeper dive into it!

To instantiate (i.e.,create) a new object, we use thenewoperator to invoke the function:

new SoftwareDeveloper();

The first thing to note above is the use of thenewkeyword. Second, note that the name of the constructor function,SoftwareDeveloper(), is written with the first letter capitalized to _visually _distinguish it from a regular function.

Keep in mind that even though the function's name starts with a capital, that doesn't _automatically _make this a constructor function (i.e., though developers name constructor functions in CamelCase by convention, it is _not _enforced by the language). What _does _makeSoftwareDeveloper()a constructor function are:

  • The use of the new operator to invoke the function
  • How the function is coded internally (which we'll look at right now!)

Constructor Functions: Structure and Syntax

This is what the internals of a constructor function looks like:

function SoftwareDeveloper() {
  this.favoriteLanguage = 'JavaScript';

This might seem a bit different than the functions you've written up to this point, so let's break it down!

First, rather than declaring local variables, constructor functions persist data with thethiskeyword. The above function will add afavoriteLanguageproperty to any object that it creates, and assigns it a default value of'JavaScript'. Don't worry too much aboutthisin a constructor function for now; just know thatthisrefers to the new object that was created by using thenewkeyword in front of the constructor function. We'll go into more detail aboutthissoon!

One last thing that might seem unusual is that this function doesn't seem to return anything! Constructor functions in JavaScript _should not _have an explicit return value (i.e., there should _not _bereturnstatement).

Great! Now that we've seen the structure and syntax of a constructor, how can we use it to create an object?

Creating a New Object

As we've seen above, let's use thenewoperator to create a new object:

let developer = new SoftwareDeveloper();

We've saved the return value of this invocation to the variabledeveloper. Let's executeconsole.log(developer);to log thisSoftwareDeveloperobject to the console:

TheSoftwareDeveloperobject is logged to the console.


Here's the code from the preceding video.

Creating Multiple Objects

What's more: we can even use the _same _constructor function to create as many objects as we'd like!

Let's invoke the sameSoftwareDeveloper()constructor two more times to instantiate two additional objects:engineerandprogrammer.

let engineer = new SoftwareDeveloper();
let programmer = new SoftwareDeveloper();

// SoftwareDeveloper { favoriteLanguage: 'JavaScript' }

// SoftwareDeveloper { favoriteLanguage: 'JavaScript' }

Constructor Functions Can Have Parameters

Just like regular functions, one benefit of using constructor functions is that they can also accept arguments. Let's update the constructor above to accept a single argument, and assign thenameproperty to it:

function SoftwareDeveloper(name) {
  this.favoriteLanguage = 'JavaScript'; = name;

In the updatedSoftwareDeveloper()function, whatever value is passed into the function will be the value of the object'snameproperty. Let's check it out:

let instructor = new SoftwareDeveloper('Andrew');

// SoftwareDeveloper { favoriteLanguage: 'JavaScript', name: 'Andrew' }

Great! And as we've seen above, we can create different objects using the same constructor. Let's call the same constructor function but pass a different argument this time:

let teacher = new SoftwareDeveloper('Richard');

// SoftwareDeveloper { favoriteLanguage: 'JavaScript', name: 'Richard' }

Just to recap: above, we passed the string'Richard'into theSoftwareDeveloper()constructor function, then instantiated a new object.'Richard'then became the value of thenameproperty in theteacherobject.

Let's check out another example!


Here's the code from the preceding video.


Which of the following about constructor functions are true? Constructor functions (select all that apply)...

  • should have areturnstatement

  • must be invoked withnew

  • are used to instantiate a new object

  • can have at most two parameters/arguments

SUBMIT: A constructor function doesn't directly return anything (i.e., there's no explicit return statement), but invoking them with the new operator constructs a new object.


What happens if a constructor function begins with a lower-case letter?

  • A new object isn't created.

  • An error occurs.

  • thiscannot be used inside a function.

  • Nothing. It will still work.

SUBMIT: Capitalizing the first letter of a constructor function's name is just a naming convention. Though the first letter

_should _be capitalized, inadvertently leaving it lower-cased still makes the constructor function (i.e., when invoked with the

new operator, etc.).

Now it's your turn to create a constructor function. Declare a
`Sandwich` constructor function that takes three parameters:
1. `bread` (string) - the type of bread for the sandwich (e.g. "Wheat")
2. `meat` (array) - the meats to put on the sandwich
(e.g. `[]` for a vegetarian sandwich!)
3. `vegetables` (array) - the vegetables to include in the sandwich

function Sandwich (bread, meat, vegetables) {
    this.bread         = bread;
    this.meat          = meat;
    this.vegetables    = vegetables;

    console.log(`I would like a ${this.meat} sandwich on ${this.bread} with ${this.vegetables}.`);

const order = new Sandwich('Italian white', ['grilled turkey breast', 'Swiss cheese'], ['tomatoes', 'lettuce']);

⚠️ Omitting thenewOperator ⚠️

What happens if you inadvertently invoke a constructor function_without_using thenewoperator?

function SoftwareDeveloper(name) {
   this.favoriteLanguage = 'JavaScript'; = name;

let coder = SoftwareDeveloper('David');

// undefined

What's going on? Without using thenewoperator, no object was created. The function was invoked just like any other regular function. Since the function doesn't_return_anything (exceptundefined, which all functions return by default), thecodervariable ended up being assigned toundefined.

One more thing to note: since this function was invoked as a regular function, the value ofthisis also drastically different. Don't worry too much about this for now; we'll take a deep dive into thethiskeyword in the very next section!

Seeing the Object's Constructor (instanceof)

What if we want to see if an object was created with a constructor function in the first place? We can use theinstanceof(which returns a boolean) to give us some insight. Let's check it out!


Here's the code from the preceding video.

💡instanceofand the Prototype Chain 💡

In the above example,instanceofconfirmed that a specific constructor function did in fact create a specific object. We know this because we directly instantiated thedevobject after invoking theDeveloper()constructor function.

Many times, however, it's a bit more complex: theinstanceofoperator actually tests whether or not that constructor appears in theprototype chainof an object. This means that we can't always check exactly_which_constructor created that object, but it does give us insight as to what_other_properties and methods an object may have access to.

For now, don't worry too much about the prototype chain or any of these additional properties or methods; we'll take a very close look at them soon!


Consider the following constructors:

function Finch(name) {
  this.kingdom = 'Animalia'; = name;

function Sparrow(name) {
  this.kingdom = 'Animalia'; = name;

Let's create an instance of each constructor:

const atticus = new Finch('Atticus');
const jack = new Sparrow('Jack');

What is the result whenatticus instanceof Sparrow;is executed?

  • true

  • false

  • undefined

  • null

  • The console throws an error

SUBMIT: false is returned. Not only is Sparrow not the atticus object's constructor function -- the Sparrow object is nowhere to be found in atticus 's prototype chain.


JavaScript's class system is built directly on using functions and objects. Calling (i.e., invoking) a constructor function with thenewoperator instantiates a new object. The same constructor function can be used to create different objects.

We've discussed functions, objects, andthisthroughout this course. As it turns out, all three are very much interconnected with one another! We'll examine their relationship in the next section as we take an in-depth look at thethiskeyword.

Further Research

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