Working with JavaScript Subclasses

Working with subclasses

Like most of the new additions, there's a lot less setup code and it's a lot cleaner syntax to create a subclass using class, super, and extends.

Just remember that, under the hood, the same connections are made between functions and prototypes.

supermust be called beforethis

In a subclass constructor function, beforethiscan be used, a call to the super class must be made.

class Apple {}
class GrannySmith extends Apple {
  constructor(tartnessLevel, energy) {
    this.tartnessLevel = tartnessLevel; // `this` before `super` will throw an error!


Take a look at the following code:

class Toy {}
class Dragon extends Toy {}
const dragon1 = new Dragon();

Given the code above, is the following statement true or false?

dragon1 instanceof Toy;
  • true

  • false

SUBMIT: The dragon1 variable is an object created by the Dragon class, and since the Dragon class extends the Toy class, dragon1 is also considered an instance of Toy.


Let's say that aToyclass exists and that aDragonclass extends theToyclass.

What is the correct way to create aToyobject from inside theDragonclass'sconstructormethod?

  • super();


  • parent();

  • Toy();

SUBMIT: Option 1 is the correct way to call the super class from within the subclass's constructor function.

Quiz: Building Classes and Subclasses

 * Programming Quiz: Building Classes and Subclasses (2-3)

class Vehicle {
    constructor(color = 'blue', wheels = 4, horn = 'beep beep') {
        this.color = color;
        this.wheels = wheels;
        this.horn = horn;

    honkHorn() {

// your code goes here

class Bicycle extends Vehicle {
    constructor(color, wheels = 2, horn = 'honk honk') {
        super(color); // Only importing the value (of color) from Vehicle
        //this.color = color;
        this.wheels = wheels;
        this.horn = horn;

const myVehicle = new Vehicle();
myVehicle.honkHorn(); // beep beep
const myBike = new Bicycle();
myBike.honkHorn(); // honk honk

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