ES6 Specification

The ES6 specification

The specification (commonly shortened to "spec") for ES6 can be foundhere. The spec lists the set of rules and guidelines on how the language is supposed to function. It doesn't give specific details on_how_browser makers are supposed to achieve functionality, but it does provide step-by-step instructions on how the language is supposed to work. While making this course, we repeatedly referred to this official spec.

Ok, so honestly, it can be a little difficult to decipher some of the cryptic wording of the spec. But when you have a question about ES6, we recommend checking out info on the topic like that provided by theMozilla Developer Networkand then also reviewing what the spec actually says.


Check out theES6 Specification. Which section in the spec covers arrow functions?

  • section 6

  • section 10.3.2

  • section 14.2

  • section 18.3.29


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