Quiz: Destructuring Arrays (1-3)


Use array destructuring to pull out the threecolorsfrom the array ofthingsand store them into the variablesone,two, andthree.

Your Code:

 * Programming Quiz: Destructuring Arrays (1-3)
 * Use destructuring to initialize the variables `one`, `two`, and `three`
 * with the colors from the `things` array.

const things = ['red', 'basketball', 'paperclip', 'green', 'computer', 'earth', 'udacity', 'blue', 'dogs'];

const one = things;
const two = '';
const three = '';

const colors = `List of Colors
1. ${one}
2. ${two}
3. ${three}`;


/* Solution */

const things = ['red', 'basketball', 'paperclip', 'green', 'computer', 'earth', 'udacity', 'blue', 'dogs'];

const [one,,,two,,,,three] = things;

const colors = `List of Colors
1. ${one}
2. ${two}
3. ${three}`;


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