Add New Page Content


You've learned about thedocumentobject, the Node Interface, and the Element interface. Where does .createElement() come from?

  • thedocumentobject

  • the Element interface

  • the Node interface

  • from another, as-of-yet unintroduced way


What is the URL for the "createElement" page on MDN?



Which of the following would create a new paragraph element?

  • document.createElement('p');

  • document.createElement(p);

  • element.createElement('p');

  • element.createElement('paragraph');


As you've already discovered, the.createElement()method is a method on thedocumentobject:

// creates and returns a <span> element

// creates and returns an <h3> element

Here's the.createElement()documentation page on MDN:createElement docs

Adding Content To The Page

You may have noticed that usingdocument.createElement()to create an element didn't actually add that newly created element anywhere on the page! Creating an element...just creates it. It doesn't add it to the DOM. Since the element isn't added to the DOM, it doesn't appear in the page (if you remember, the DOM is the parsed representation of the page). So, now that we can create brand new elements, we need to be able to add them to the DOM so that they'll show up on the page.

We can use the.appendChild()method to add an element to the page! Before we see how this element works, let's quickly define the word "append". There are several different definitions of the word, but I like the wording of the Cambridge Dictionary's the best:

to add something to the end of a piece of writing

definition of the word "append" (source)

Now, to use the.appendChild()method, it needs to becalled on another element, not thedocumentobject!

// create a brand new <span> element
const newSpan = document.createElement('span');

// select the first (main) heading of the page
const mainHeading = document.querySelector('h1');

// add the the <span> element as the last child element of the main heading

I like the Cambridge Dictionary's version because it clearly states how the content is addedat the end. The.appendChild()method is called on one element, and is passed the element to append. The element that is about about to be appended is added as the last child. So, in the example above, the<span>element will appear in the DOM as a child of the<h1>...but it will appearat the end, after all text and any other elements that might be in the<h1>.

Here's the.appendChild()documentation page on MDN: [appendChild docs)(

⚠️.appendChild()Needs An Element! ⚠️

This is stated above, but I wanted to call this out, specifically. When you're using the.appendChild()method, it must be called on an existing element. To be clear, you can't call this on thedocumentobject, so the following will result in an error:

const newSpan = document.createElement('span');

// causes an error

Creating Text Nodes

Just like you created new elements with the.createElement()method, you can also create new_text_nodes using the.createTextNode()method. Take a look at the following code that:

  • creates an paragraph element
  • creates a text node
  • appends the text node to the paragraph
  • appends the paragraph to the tag
const myPara = document.createElement('p');
const textOfParagraph = document.createTextNode('I am the text for the paragraph!');


However, since you already know about the.textContentproperty, the code below will provide the exact same result:

const myPara = document.createElement('p');

myPara.textContent = 'I am the text for the paragraph!';

Therefore, instead of creating a new text node and appending it to an element, it's faster and easier to just update the element's text with the.textContentproperty.

For more info, check out the documentation:createTextNode() docs


What happens after running this code?

const mainHeading = document.querySelector('#main-heading');
const otherHeading = document.querySelector('#other-heading');
const excitedText = document.createElement('span');

excitedText.textContent = '!!!';

Don't guess it, test it! This one might surprise you!

  • onlymainHeadinghas three exclamation marks

  • onlyotherHeadinghas three exclamation marks

  • both headings have three exclamation marks

  • neither has any exclamation marks

SUBMIT: B(The .appendChild() method will move an element from its current position to the new position.)

Inserting HTML In Other Locations

By definition, the.appendChild()method will add an element as the last child of the parent element. It's impossible to put it as the first child or anywhere has to be the last child. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a little flexibility in where we could add the child element?

Enter the.insertAdjacentHTML()method! The.insertAdjacentHTML()method has to be called with two arguments:

  • the location of the HTML
  • the HTML text that is going to be inserted

The first argument to this method will let us insert the new HTML in one of four different locations

beforebegin– inserts the HTML text as a previous sibling

afterbegin– inserts the HTML text as the first child

beforeend– inserts the HTML text as the last child

afterend– inserts the HTML text as a following sibling

A visual example works best, and MDN's documentation has a fantastic example that I'll modify slightly:

<!-- beforebegin -->
    <!-- afterbegin -->
    Existing text/HTML content
    <!-- beforeend -->
<!-- afterend -->

Here's how we'd call.insertAdjacentHTML():

const mainHeading = document.querySelector('#main-heading');
const htmlTextToAdd = '<h2>Skydiving is fun!</h2>';

mainHeading.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', htmlTextToAdd);

Check out the documentation page for more information:insertAdjacentHTML docs

Add New Page Content Recap

In this section, we learned how to create new DOM elements and add them to the page. We looked at the following methods:

  • .createElement() to create new elements
  • .appendChild() to add a child element to a parent element as its last child
  • .createTextNode() to create a text node
  • .insertAdjacentHTML() to put HTML text anywhere around an element

Some important things to note are:

  • if an element already exists in the DOM and this element is passed to .appendChild() , the `.appendChild() method will move it rather than duplicating it
  • an element's .textContent property is used more often than creating a text node with the .createTextNode() method
  • the .insertAdjacentHTML() method's second argument has to be text, you can't pass an element

Further Research

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