Working with JavaScript Classes

Class is just a function

Just to prove that there isn't anything special aboutclass, check out this code:

class Plane {
  constructor(numEngines) {
    this.numEngines = numEngines;
    this.enginesActive = false;

  startEngines() {
    console.log('starting engines…');
    this.enginesActive = true;

typeof Plane; // function


That's right—it's just a function! There isn't even a new type added to JavaScript.

⚠️ Where Are All The Commas? ⚠️

Did you notice that there aren't any commas between the method definitions in the Class? Commas are not used to separate properties or methods in a Class. If you add them, you'll get aSyntaxErrorofunexpected token ,


Take a look at the following code:

class Animal {
  constructor(name = 'Sprinkles', energy = 100) { = name; = energy;

  eat(food) { += food / 3;

Which of the following are true?

  • Theeat()method ends up onAnimal.prototype.

  • typeof Animal === 'class'

  • typeof Animal === 'function'

SUBMIT: Methods that appear in the class definition are, under the hood, placed on that class's prototype object.

Static methods

To add a static method, the keywordstaticis placed in front of the method name. Look at thebadWeather()method in the code below.

class Plane {
  constructor(numEngines) {
    this.numEngines = numEngines;
    this.enginesActive = false;

  static badWeather(planes) {
    for (plane of planes) {
      plane.enginesActive = false;

  startEngines() {
    console.log('starting engines…');
    this.enginesActive = true;

See howbadWeather()has the wordstaticin front of it whilestartEngines()doesn't? That makesbadWeather()a method that's accessed directly on thePlaneclass, so you can call it like this:

Plane.badWeather([plane1, plane2, plane3]);

NOTE:A little hazy on how constructor functions, class methods, or prototypal inheritance works? We've got a course on it! Check outObject Oriented JavaScript.

Benefits of classes

  1. Less setup
    • There's a lot less code that you need to write to create a function
  2. Clearly defined constructor function
    • Inside the class definition, you can clearly specify the constructor function.
  3. Everything's contained
    • All code that's needed for the class is contained in the class declaration. Instead of having the constructor function in one place, then adding methods to the prototype one-by-one, you can do everything all at once!

Things to look out for when using classes

  1. class is not magic
    • The class keyword brings with it a lot of mental constructs from other, class-based languages. It doesn't magically add this functionality to JavaScript classes.
  2. class is a mirage over prototypal inheritance
    • We've said this many times before, but under the hood, a JavaScript class just uses prototypal inheritance.
  3. Using classes requires the use of new
    • When creating a new instance of a JavaScript class, the new keyword must be used

For example,

class Toy {

const myToy1 = Toy(); // throws an error

Uncaught TypeError:Class constructor Toy cannot be invoked without 'new'

but, adding thenewkeyword fixes the problem

const myToy2 = new Toy(); // this works!

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